The worst employee, ever
The typewriter was sitting on the dark, unlit side of a large table and I complained about that and asked to take it to the other side. I was told to just type at the typewriter where it already was located. I had trouble seeing the address and made a typo, it was to a Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Gedney but I typed "Dedney" so had to correct the label. Then I put the label on the package and asked where to put it. A co-worker motioned to a table full of packages, so I put it there.
Then I headed back to the order table, noticed that there was only one order on it, so I slowed down to let another employee grab it first (I was not only stupid, but lazy in this dream, too!). Then, for some reason I suddenly realized the my packaging of the Gedney order had been all wrong. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Gedney were not going to be happy with the aspirins dumped out and poked into the box filler! So I went back to the completion table and it was empty.
I asked someone where the boxes were taken and was told, "Into the break room. Do you know where that is?"
"No," I replied, "I've never been in there" which was a lie because my friend and I had sat in the break room for coffee in the morning and again to eat lunch. The co-worker motioned to the break room and I realized that it might be difficult to just take a package of drugs and ditch it! I had to open it up somehow to get the prescription bottle with the name on it. Then I decided to do another package to the Gedney's with just the aspirin in it and hope they wouldn't complain. The work day was nearly over and I had done ONE package, and that package was messed up! (in the dream) I was lazy, slow, stupid and a liar at work. What the heck does that mean?
My second dream was working in Paul McCartney's sound studio. He was interested in a woman visiting with a group, but she was married. His aggressive little manager was saying obnoxious things like, "You really should put on a sign that says 'I like you'" to Paul about her. She was very showy, the rest of us were in black suits but she was dressed in red. There was a bit more to the dream than that but I won't go into the details as they are boring because nothing really happened except we all were walking around and talking, because we were taking her group on a tour.
I'm enjoying a lovely week off from work, even though I keep dreaming about various types and places of work! Hope your holidays and week are going well!