Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Maybe snow?

Yesterday was another ten-hour day at work but at least Bosszila didn’t “talk” to me. And now she’s gone on a trip, whew. We’re actually supposed to get snow this week, boo hiss. Since it’s only the beginning of October, it won’t stay on the ground.

A meme from Restless Angel

Things I have done in my lifetime, as of today:

Been in a wet t-shirt contest – Nope, yuck.

Stolen a car - no.

Been dumped – Yes, a couple of times but usually I’m the dump-er.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back – Yes, sadly.

Gone on a blind date – Yes, a couple of times. It’s sort of like playing the lottery.

Had a crush on a teacher – Yes, in junior high.

Skipped school – Never until I got to college.

Seen someone die – No.

Been to Mexico - Yes.

Thrown up in a bar - Yes.

Eaten Sushi – No, least favorite co-worker is always raving about it.

Been snowboarding – No, but I used to love skiing.

Been moshing at a concert - No

Made a snow angel – Yes, many times every winter.

Had a tea party – Yes, with scones too.

Flown a kite – Yes, what fun!

Jumped into a pile of leaves – Yes, every fall.

Gone sledding – Try to do it every winter.

Cheated while playing a game – No. Really. I don’t like games.

Fallen asleep at work/school – Yes to both. Especially when I was working two FT jobs and one (of course) was at night.

Used a fake ID - Never.

Watched the sunset – Love to. Like watching the sunrise even better.

Touched a snake – Yes, had them for pets.

Slept beneath the stars – Yes, and love it!

Been tickled – Yes, but I hate it.

Been robbed – Yes, I’ve had three different homes/apartments and a hotel room broken into but only our old home and the hotel room were robbed.

Been misunderstood – Yes, especially as work.

Pet a reindeer/goat – Yes to both. I used to own some goats.

Won a contest – A few, I’m not extremely lucky though.

Run a red light – Yes, recently! Luckily nobody saw me do it.

Been suspended from school – Never.

Been in a car accident – Yes, several.

Had braces – Nope.

Felt like an outcast – Yes, depends on the group.

Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - Never.

Had deja vu - Yes

Danced in the moonlight – Yes, I love moonlight!

Hated the way you look – No. I know we’re supposed to say all kinds of bad things about ourselves but I kind of like how I look. I look like me!

Witnessed a crime – Yes, many times in our old, rough neighborhood.

Pole danced – Yes, as a joke with a friend.

Been obsessed with post-it notes – Not really, I use them a lot at work, but never at home.

Walked barefoot through the mud – Yes. I walk barefoot as much as possible and love it!

Been lost – Often. This past weekend, in fact.

Swam in the ocean – Yes, both the A and P.

Felt like dying – Yup with the flu or a bad hangover. I wished I would die, anyway.

Cried yourself to sleep – Yes, a few times.

Played cops and robbers – Yes, as a kid.

Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers – Not too recently but this year. Does that count?

Sung karaoke - Yes twice in work-related events. I don’t really see the point of it.

Paid for a meal with only coins – coffee, not an entire meal.

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't – A few times.

Made prank phone calls when you were younger – No.

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose – Yes, as a kid.

Caught a snowflake on your tongue – Yes, all the time in the winter.

Danced naked in the rain - Yes.

Written a letter to Santa Claus – A few times.

Been kissed under the mistletoe – Yes, a few times.

Blown bubbles – Yes, and it’s fun to do outside.

Had a bonfire on the beach – Yes, and we took turns jumping over it. SLA burnt her boot in the fire.

Gone rollerblading - Nope.

Screamed the word penis in public – No.

Ate dog/cat food – Yes, on a dare.

Told a complete stranger you loved them - No.

Kissed a mirror – No..

Sang in the shower – Yes, and alone in the car.

Had a dream that you married someone – Yes, and other more weird dreams.

Glued your hand to something – No.

Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - Never.

Kissed a fish – Nope.

Worn the opposite sex's clothes – Yes.

Been a cheerleader – Nope.

Sat on a roof top - Yes

Screamed at the top of your lungs - Yes.

Stayed up all night – Many a time.

Picked and ate an apple right off the tree – Yes, that’s how they taste the best.

Climbed a tree – Yes.

Believed in ghosts - Yes, and have seen them, too.

Gone streaking – Yes.

Been skinny dipping – Yes.

Been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on - Yep.

Been told you're beautiful by a complete stranger – Yes.

Broken a bone – Yes, some little ones, nothing major.

Been easily amused – Yes.

Caught a fish then ate it – Yes, a few times. Cleaned them myself too.

Caught a butterfly – Yes, then felt bad because the powdery stuff on its wings came off.

Laughed so hard you cried - Often.

Cried so hard you laughed – Only a couple of times when I realized how pathetic I looked and sounded.

Mooned/flashed someone - Yes.

Had someone moon/flash you – Yes, many times.

Cheated on a test – Nope.

Forgotten someone's name – All too often.

Slept naked – Used to all the time.

French braided someone's hair – Yes

Grew a beard - Nope, and since I'm a girl--thank goodness!

From my E-mail. (I’m still hoping to get selected for a jury.)
You Know You Need A New Lawyer When:

- The prosecutor sees your lawyer in the hall, and they high-five each other.

- During your initial consultation he tries to sell you Amway.

- He tells you that his last good case was a "Budweiser."

- He picks the jury by playing "duck-duck-goose."

- During the trial you catch him playing his Gameboy.

- Every couple of minutes he yells, "I call Jack Daniels to the stand!" and proceeds to drink a shot.

- He frequently gives juror No. 4 the finger.

- Just before he says "Your Honor," he makes those little quotation marks in the air with his fingers.

- Whenever his objection is overruled, he tells the judge, "Whatever."

- He giggles every time he hears the word "briefs."

- He keeps citing the legal case of Godzilla v. Mothra.

- He begins closing arguments with, "As Ally McBeal once said..."

It feels like it should be Friday already, but it's only Tuesday! Have a great day!


Blogger gal artist said...

I like that meme, good answers.

Snow already? We don't even get snow this early, well, we have had snow on halloween but that's a few weeks away yet. I am not looking forward to it, but there is no stopping it, is there?

6:11 AM  
Blogger PBS said...

I supposed you get snow so early from being up in the mountains. Our snow won't stay yet though, at least. But there IS no stopping it!

6:19 AM  
Blogger Fizzy said...

I Loved this meme PBS it is really really long.
do you say scones (rhyming with lone) Or Scones (rhyming with gone) ? big debate here.

WE also have jam and cream on them very very yummy.

right I am loosing the plot just got in from a job....
will make more sense later on ..I promise.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Martini Love said...

Snow? Oh geez I am just hoping it will finally get out of the 100's here.. but I don't like snow that is why I live here I guess. (Grew up in snow I have no need for it now!)

And you never prank called anyone, was I just a bratty kid or what?!

Have a great Tuesday!

8:02 AM  
Blogger dan said...

you missed out on moshing at concerts.

it's never too late.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Great reading.

Over here we say scone (as in gone), we're so english really lol

And what does "mosshing" mean? I've heard of a moshpit, but I don't know what that is either. lol Are they similar?

5:03 PM  
Blogger Adrienne said...

I loved the meme. I enjoy reading them and yours was nice!

To be honest, I'm ready for snow. I'm so tired of hot and sticky.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Wow, i thought that list was never going to end! Loved it, we know so much more about you now!
Crossing fingers down here that "Bosszilla" trip is a permanant one!

7:01 PM  
Blogger Lois Lane said...

It's great getting to know you! I liked you answers a bunch. Amazingly, I actually enjoyed this meme. :)
Lois Lane

7:57 PM  
Blogger Mr G said...

interesting list!
I always taste my cat's food... why do I do that? Got no idea. It's an impulse. He looks at me a bit weird though (he, he,)

"I like the way I look. I look like me" - great answer! ;)

8:16 PM  
Blogger sumo said...

OMG! Dancing in the rain naked...and streaking! What could you have been thinking?????? Heh heh!

1:17 AM  

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