Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Wingy thingys on the road

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, it's a belated thank you as I should have mentioned it yesterday! I love comments, makes my day!

Yesterday was another busy day at work battling the forces of evil. On the way into town Monday morning, there was a long line of cars on the freeway enter ramp. With flashing lights on a large flatbed trailer, a huge thing that looked like an airplane wing was headed onto the freeway! With great difficulty we lined-up cars managed to get around it. The thing stuck out into the other lane. It did have an “Oversized Load” sign on the back, no kidding! Over-slow load would have been a good sign too. I sped my way into town, having left home later than I should have. Isn’t that the way it goes? The one day I leave for work later than normal is the day for a pokey road hog on the freeway.

I decided to be a bit more careful about the speeding after I saw two cars (in different places) pulled over by the state patrol. Then a bank of brake lights ahead of me again. Oh no, it was the other airplane wing, or whatever they were, taking up both lanes on the freeway and cruising at the whipping speed of 40 mph! I turned my already loud radio up ever louder to combat the stress of possibly being late to work, me, who’s always early to the office!

The airplane wing and flatbed truck took a right onto the bridge along with the obnoxious blinking entourage. The accompanying vehicles had out-of-state license plates like Illinois and Florida. I got a good look at the place where the wing-thing would connect to an airplane and it sort of looked like a computer printer cord, except round. It was the oddest looking thing. I’m not sure it WAS an airplane wing but the first one looked just like it, so there was a set of two of the thingys. What do you suppose they were?

from my E-mail(some seem familiar, might have posted them before)
The Government wants more money? Why don't they try selling candy bars like the Boy Scouts do?

Many people will spend the summer occupied with fishing and politics. In fishing you use a worm, and in politics a worm uses you.

A person that learns from their mistakes is smart. A person that learns from other people's mistakes is smarter.

Why be difficult? Put some effort in and be impossible.

I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.

I'm learning to speak Spanish by calling my bank and pressing the #2 button.

It takes less time to do something right than to explain why you did it wrong.

The things you tell your teenagers don't reach them 'til they're in their 40s.

He who lives without discipline dies without honor.

I have a speech impediment . . . my foot.

I need some duck tape . . . my duck has a quack in it

I was thinking of becoming a doctor. I have the handwriting for it.

The more you say, the less people remember.

98% of the time I am right. Why worry about the other 3%.

With proper diet, rest, and exercise a healthy body will last a lifetime.

Thesaurus: ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary.

Practice courtesy. You never know when it might become popular again.

Any sports fan can tell you the most brutal thing about professional football is the price of the tickets.

It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.

The measure of success is not how much money you have in the bank, but rather how much money the bank will lend you.

The real goal is to be rich the moment after you die.

Anyone who starts a sentence "With all due respect..." is about to insult you.

Don't count your fish until they're on dry land.

Don't judge, you idiot.

Marriage is like a tourniquet; it stops your circulation.

Everything on land is within walking distance.

The road to success is marked with many tempting parking places.

We're not truly happy until we focus on others.

Sarcasm: an ingenious way of making intelligent people feel stupid.

Love isn't blind . . . it just has Attention Deficit Disorder.

Life is a bowl of cherries . . . overpriced and only available at certain times.

A lot of good-looking faces are wasted on ugly people.

Funny that most of our best-sellers are written at a 9th-grade reading level.

Small talk is one step down from no talk.

If it weren't for humor, we might never get at the truth.

To understand politics, we must read between the lies.


Blogger Michelle said...

Hmmm Aliens?? Makes you wonder. Glad you made it through such manic traffic :o), you have the patience of a saint, i'd have poked someone in the eye!

7:00 AM  
Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

they sound a lot like wings do...you have a lot of patience, i would have been beeping the helloutta the guy...lol

did you get to work on time in the end...??? And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, i think i wished you this on saturday, but just in case i didn't...

did you notice i left my email address...feel free to send me any candy, they are so different over here i don't think its possible to send something we have...the only things i've seen there are Mars Bars, kit kats and snickers...



7:20 AM  
Blogger Red Hot Sexy Papa said...

when i first heard the word THESAURUS, i thought it was a reptile... just like a dinosaur.


8:21 AM  
Blogger Ms Mac said...

I can't even imagine what those things on the road would have been! Makes me a little scared to think that the wings would only be held on my printer cables! ;-)

9:00 AM  
Blogger ...just-rambling... said...

You'd think that the airplane wing factory would be next the airplane assempbly factory which would be next to an airport so it didn't have to drive down the road and cause traffic jams!

Thanks for sharing the oneliners. I especially liked:

I'm learning to speak Spanish by calling my bank and pressing the #2 button. and
The things you tell your teenagers don't reach them 'til they're in their 40s.

9:14 AM  
Blogger ...just-rambling... said...

Oooops, I spelled "assembly" incorrectly.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Your yesterday morning sounds like the morning I had today....I was running behind (but I didn't have cool (albeit slow) airplane wings blocking my path! :)

You get the cutest e-mail stuff...those were funny! :)

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"With proper diet, rest, and exercise a healthy body will last a lifetime." But my mind certainly wont so why bother!! I can hardly remember things as it is!!!

1:37 PM  
Blogger dan said...

"Don't judge, you idiot."

"To understand politics, we must read between the lies."

Pure class.

2:38 PM  
Blogger sumo said...

We are being invaded by "Pokey Road Hog Aliens" pure and simple...or maybe some sort of pod for goodness knows what kinds of experiments. Chambers of alien torture...sex experimentation or something really big and expensive for Halliburton! There goes our tax dollars!

5:26 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

since youLve been making so many investments in your work time bank, it should be OK to make a withdrawal every once in a while. And tell Bosszilla to call me---I'll give her a discount on my usual consulting fee.

5:53 PM  
Blogger elle said...

Very funny. Happy (belated) Birthday!!

7:57 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

So sorry I missed your birthday. I have been so out of the loop since I got back from the vacation from hell. Happy Happy Birthday!!!

9:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cool site. I linked you today!

1:24 AM  
Blogger glomgold said...

I can't believe those aliens had to hitch a ride on a slow-moving truck. How humiliating is that?? They won't be taking us over anytime soon :)

7:07 PM  

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